Blazor WebAssembly: Using C3.js to Create Charts in Blazor WebAssembly Application

In this tutorial, we will see the way of creating Charts in Blazor WebAssembly by integrating with C3.js in it. Please note that, the implementation is completely my thought which I have suggested to one of my client. In this tutorial, the implementation is done g JavaScript interoperability. One of the great features of the Blazor Application is that, it has an interoperability with JavaScript. I have already written an article on JavaScript interoperability on my blog. You can read steps of JavaScript interoperability from here . In Blazor Application, there is no default support for Charts are available. So to provide charts in Blazor some other alternatives must be planned. Recently, when I was discussing about the Blazor WebAssembly to one of my customer, he raised query on creating Charts. I demoed him and then I thought to write a small tutorial on it. C3.js C3.js is JavaScript library based on D3.js. This enables deeper integration of charts into the appl...