ASP.NET Core 6: Using Role Based Security for ASP.NET Core 6 WEB API
In this article, we will see the complete implementation of the Role-Based Security for ASP.NET Core 6 WEB API. While building the FullStack application, we need to make sure that the Front-End application e.g. Angular, React.js. VueJS, Blazor, should access the WEB API securely by using a well-defined Authentication and Authorization mechanism. I have already published articles on ASP.NET Core WEB API Token-Based authentication on the following links ASP.NET Core 5 and Blazor Web Assembly Apps: Token Based Authentication in ASP.NET Core 5 APIs and Authenticating it using Blazor WebAssembly Apps ( Understanding Token Based Authentication in ASP.NET Core 3.1 using JSON WEB TOKENS ( Authenticating Angular 8 Client Application with JSON WEB Token (JWT) Based Authentication ( In ASP.NET Core, the Policy-Based Authentication allows to club roles into a group and we can set the access policies of the API methods to these groups. We can provi...