Python: Using SQLAlchemy to perform database operations
In this article, we will see a simple approach for performing database operations using SqlAlchemy in Python programming language. Python is a versatile and very powerful programming language that is widely used in various fields such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, automation, etc. While working on any of the fields in Python, we need to access the database and perform operations on it. It is highly recommended that the database operations should be performed using a very powerful database access object model. This is where SQLAlchemy comes into the picture.
SQLAlchemy is a powerful SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python. It provides a flexible and efficient way to interact with relational databases using Python objects. It provides a full suite of enterprise-level persistence patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access To understand and implement the code for this article, you must have hands-on experience with Python Object Oriented Programming programming.
Figure 1 shows the approach for the implementation of database operations using SqlAlchemy
Figure 1: The Python with SqlAlchemy
The code for this article is developed using PyCharm and Macbook. In this article, the MySQL Database is used. The database named Home is created that contains the Expenses table with the fields as shown in Listing 1.
Create Database Home; use Home; Create Table Expenses ( ExpensesId int Primary Key, ExpensesType varchar(100) Not Null, VendorName varchar(100) Not Null, AmountPaid int not null, PaidBy varchar(100) Not Null );
Listing 1: The Script for Home Database and Expenses Table
Make sure that the following packages should be installed
pip install sqlalchemy mysql pymysql
Step 1: Open PyCharm and create a new Python project named pythonProject. In the project add a new Python file named In this file, we will add the code for establishing the mapping to the Expenses table. Listing 2 shows the code for defining mapping.
# define the expenses model
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from main import Base
# The Model class is a subclass of the Base class, which is the declarative base class
# provided by SQLAlchemy. This class represents the Expenses table in the database.
class Expenses(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Expenses'
ExpensesId = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
ExpensesType = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
VendorName = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
AmountPaid = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
PaidBy = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Expenses(ExpensesId='%s', ExpensesType='%s', VendorName='%s',
"AmountPaid='%s', PaidBy='%s')>" % (
self.ExpensesId, self.ExpensesType, self.VendorName, self.AmountPaid,
Listing 2: Mapping with Expenses Table
As shown in Listing 2, the Expenses class is created that defines mapping with each column of the Expenses table using the Column() method imported from SqlAlchemy. For each mapped column the datatype and constraints are defined to make sure that while performing database operations then constraints will be followed.
Step 2: In the project add a new Python file named In this file, we will add code for the class that contains methods for performing database operations. The name of the class will be DbOperations. In this class, we will have the parameterized constructor of type sessions. This object is used to handle database interaction to perform CRUD operations. The session object has the following methods:
- add(): to add a new record in the table
- commit(): to save the transaction
- query(): to query the table to filter record(s) based on criteria.
- delete(): to delete the record
from expensesmodel import Expenses # define the db operations class class DbOperations: # code for methods to perform CRUD operations on Expenses table using Expenses class def __init__(self, session): self.session = session def add_expense(self, expense): self.session.add(expense) self.session.commit() return expense def get_expense(self, expense_id): expense = self.session.query(Expenses).filter_by(ExpensesId=expense_id).first() if expense is None: raise Exception("No expense found with id: " + str(expense_id)) return expense def get_all_expenses(self): expenses = self.session.query(Expenses).all() return expenses def update_expense(self, expense_id, new_expense): expense = self.session.query(Expenses).filter_by(ExpensesId=expense_id).first() if expense is None: raise Exception("No expense found with id: " + str(expense_id)) expense.ExpensesType = new_expense.ExpensesType expense.VendorName = new_expense.VendorName expense.AmountPaid = new_expense.AmountPaid expense.PaidBy = new_expense.PaidBy self.session.commit() return expense def delete_expense(self, expense_id): expense = self.session.query(Expenses).filter_by(ExpensesId=expense_id).first() if expense is None: raise Exception("No expense found with id: " + str(expense_id)) self.session.delete(expense) self.session.commit() return expense
Listing 3: The DbOperations class to perform CRUD operations
Step 3: In the we will access the Expenses and DbOperations classes to complete the example code. To perform the database operations we need the following objects:
- create_engine from sqlalchemy
- This creates an instance of the Engine class that represents the connection to the database and it manages the process of connecting to the database server to issue commands and handle transactions.
- sessionmaker function from the sqlalchemy.orm
- This function returns a new Session class. This class manages conversations with the database to perform CRUD operations.
- This function accepts the bind parameter. This parameter is used to connect the Session to a specific Engine that has the database connection with it.
- declarative_base from the sqlalchemy.orm
- This function returns a new Base class. This Base class is used as a base class by all classes that are used to define mapping with the database table.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base # Define the connection string DATABASE_CONNECTION = ('mysql+pymysql://root:root123@localhost/Home') Base = declarative_base() engine = create_engine(DATABASE_CONNECTION) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) if __name__ == '__main__': from expensesmodel import Expenses from dbOperations import DbOperations Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session = Session() # Create an instance of the DbOperations class and pass the session object to it. db_operations = DbOperations(session) # Create an instance of the Expenses class and add it to the database. expense = Expenses(ExpensesId=102, ExpensesType='Food', VendorName='Ganesh', AmountPaid=5000, PaidBy='Mahesh') # Add the expense to the database using the add_expense() method of the DbOperations class. db_operations.add_expense(expense) print(db_operations.get_all_expenses()) # Get the expense with id 102 using the get_expense() method of the DbOperations class. expense = db_operations.get_expense(102) expense.AmountPaid = 6000 db_operations.update_expense(102, expense) print(db_operations.get_all_expenses()) # Delete the expense with id 101 using the delete_expense() method of the DbOperations class. db_operations.delete_expense(102) print(db_operations.get_all_expenses()) # Close the session and dispose of the engine. session.close() engine.dispose()
Listing 4: The with the code for CRUD operations with values
I have added hard-coded values, but you can use the input() function to accept inputs from the end-user to perform CRUD operations.
Conclusion: Python the most popular language has the SQlAlchemy ORM for performing database operations easily.